Sunday Meetings

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Our Sunday meetings take place in the main hall at 10:30am.

Services usually last until around 12 noon, where thereafter many people spend time in the Foyer enjoying a good chat with some light refreshments.

The services themselves are relaxed and informal.

There will usually be a band to lead the congregation in worship, some child focused songs and/or activities and plenty of time to study the Bible to understand how this can help us in our journey to love God and love each other.

The children can leave the service at around 11am to attend YPC (Young People's Church). This is made up of lots of groups doing fun and age-specific activities.

We have a creche where parents of young children can be comfortable and get a good view of what is taking place in the service.

If you are not familiar with this kind of format, please come along and simply observe.

We have many visitors with different backgrounds and different levels of commitment and interest in the Christian Faith. 
